Hot Water Heat Pumps

Upgrade Your Hot Water Experience and Cut Costs

Hot Water Heat Pumps

The Efficient Solution for Your Home

Hot water heat pumps are the latest innovation in transforming how we get hot water for home, and business premises. Their efficiency is outstanding and their popularity is also driven by the numerous financial incentives currently available for those wishing to save money, and upgrade their appliances to more sustainable alternatives.

While solar water heaters in Australia are popular renewable alternatives, hot water heat pumps are gaining more popularity as sustainable options for heating water because they use significantly less energy than traditional hot water units.

Let’s help you better understand what a hot water heat pump does and how you can make the most valuable choice.

Understanding Hot Water Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are innovative water heaters designed to utilise heated air to warm water stored in an insulated storage tank. They operate using only about one-third of the energy required by conventional water heaters, saving up to 70% on hot water energy costs. Also, unlike other domestic water heater systems, heat pumps transfer heat rather than generate it.

This substantial reduction in energy consumption and the resulting significant cost savings have encouraged many individuals and families to upgrade their domestic water heater systems.

How a Hot Water Heat Pump Works

Conventional domestic water heater systems, such as electric or gas water heaters, use electricity or natural gas to provide hot water for homes. However, heat pumps use electricity only to separate heat from the surrounding air.

Using a reverse refrigerator cycle, a heat pump extracts heat from the environment or inside your home. Heat in the air is then absorbed by a CFC-free refrigerant inside the evaporator coil, while cool dehumidifier air is expelled.

The refrigerant is then pumped through a compressor, which increases the temperature further. The heat is transferred throughout the insulated water tank cylinder by water or refrigeration cycle process.

Essentially, a heat pump will draw in air from its surroundings, with little significance to how hot or warm that air is. This is because that air is then pressurised, and this pressure causes the atoms in the air to bump into each other, causing friction, which then leads to an increase in temperature. This heat energy is then used to heat your water to the desired degree.

Transferring heat instead of generating it makes hot water heat pumps 2 to 5 times more energy efficient than a standard electric water heater, saving you money and energy. Essentially, this system operates as a renewable hot water solution but doesn’t depend on solar power, unlike solar water heaters in Australia. Now, combine that with solar panels, and you have just exponentially increased your savings!

Hot water heat pumps can last 10 to 15 years on average. However, they can last over 15 years when used and maintained properly.

Types of Hot Water Heat Pumps

There are two types of hot water heat pumps:

Integrated vs. Split System

Hot water heat pumps are typically a unified unit placed indoors or outdoors on the ground. These integrated types are usually heavier than split systems. Alternatively, the system can be divided into an outdoor heat pump and a storage tank, which may be indoors or outdoors. The two units are then linked through refrigerant piping.

Air-source vs. Ground-source

We also have air-source and ground-source heat pump categories. Air-source heat pumps (the most common type) extract heat from the surrounding air. Meanwhile, ground-source heat pumps (the more expensive type) extract heat from underground using buried coils.

Benefits of installing a Hot Water Heat Pump

Is a Hot Water Heat Pump RIGHT FOR YOU?

Preferred Brands

At 365 Solar Australia, we only install high-quality hot water heat pumps from reputable brands such as iStore, Rheem Ambiheat, Steibel Eltron, Enviroheat Enviroflow, Rinnai, and Reclaim Energy. We do have access to several other brands, but refuse to work with any system that is cheap-and-nasty.

Choosing the Right Hot Water Heat Pump

When recommending hot water heat pumps, we consider various factors such as system type, features, sizing, build quality, reheat time, noise levels, energy efficiency, installation requirements, maintenance needs, and overall performance. A high quality system for you is a win-win for everyone. When you have less issues, we’re forced to deal with less issues.

How Much You Can Save By Installing a Hot Water Heat Pump

An average three-person household can save between $372 and $680 annually by switching from a traditional water heater unit to an efficient hot water heat pump. In addition, many utility companies offer rebates for such upgrades.

In Victoria, you can save up to $2000 with Federal and Victorian government rebates when you make the switch and install a hot water heat pump system. These rebates include:

Note: Before you start your application, you must get a quote from a Solar Victoria-authorised solar retailer, and as a Solar Victoria authorised retailer, 365 Solar Australia can help you navigate your most optimum solution, and provide you with the right quote, and complete guidance through the rebate application process. Contact us today and find out why we’re the team with the highest level of customer satisfaction across the country.